Sunday 29 July 2012

Extortion: 17 Policemen Arrested in Kano

Kano State police command has disclosed that in response to public complaints over alleged extortion by police and other security personnel at various check points in the state, about 17 policemen have been arrested in connection with the sharp practice.
The State Commissioner of Police Mr. Ibrahim Idris revealed that the clamp down on corrupt officers was part of their efforts to sanities the force to provide better services to the people of the state.
Idris told reporters at the weekend that to this effect, 17 officers comprising six inspectors, three sergeants, five corporals and three constables are facing disciplinary action for alleged extortion at road blocks.
State Commissioner of Police, Ibrahim Idris
“Orderly room trial is in progress to ascertain their culpability and the public is hereby warned to desist from offering money for whatever reason to policemen on duty at check points for they too will be held culpable if caught,” the commissioner disclosed.
The commissioner stated that any officer who demands money from members of the public should be reported to the police using the emergency numbers and public complaint numbers.
Idris also added that the command has held a meeting with Islamic leaders in the state on modalities to be used for the sustenance of peace in the state.
According to him, the meeting with religious leaders had been successful, resulting in some major decisions.
"At the latest meeting with religious leaders with members of the Hisbah, Vigilante, Civil Defence and FRSC in attendance, it was agreed that during this period, persons coming to mosques shall remain there until the close of prayers and no loitering around the mosques would be allowed. It was also agreed that there would be erection of barricades where and when applicable.”

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